Turkey - Pages of Conscientious Objection Watch 

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Ercan Genç

"I want to make our voices heard as conscientious objectors all over the world"

Ercan Genç, Türkei/Deutschland speaks in YouTube-channel @RefusetoKill

(13.03.2024) Newly published today: A video with Ercan Genç from Turkey, who is undergoing asylum proceedings in Germany and is thus making his conscientious objection known for the first time. In an interview with Roni S. from Connection e.V., he talks about his story and motivations. The video is available on our YouTube channel (at)RefusetoKill in Turkish with English and German subtitles: https://youtu.be/pJGncr68NAU.

Conscientious Objectors In Turkey Need Your Support to Continue Their Struggle

Newsletter March 2024

(11.03.2024) We are writing you once again inform you about our Conscientious Objection Watch donation campaign and ask for your support. As the Conscientious Objection Watch, we received many applications from conscientious objectors in 2023. In these applications, most of the objectors asked for information about the human rights violations and restrictions they experienced and requested support from our organization.

Türkiye - bedelli askerlik, vatandaşlıktan çıkarma, askerliğe elverişli olmayanlar ve iltica

Genel bakış

(06.02.2024) Bu metinde, 2024 yılı itibariyle Türkiye’de zorunlu askerliğe dair mevcut durumu sunmak istiyoruz. Muafiyet ve tecil koşulları Türkiye’de ya da yurtdışında yaşıyor olmanıza göre farklılık göstermektedir.

Substitute payment, denaturalisation, withdrawal and asylum

An overview

(06.02.2024) All male Turkish citizens are subject to compulsory military service, which in Turkey applies indefinitely, even though the law limits the age of military service from 20 to 41 years (Art.3a) (1). They are often unaware of the options for avoiding military service. Here we want to present the current status as of 2024. The conditions for replacement payment and deferment differ depending on whether you live in Turkey or abroad.