4.11. in Leuven (Belgium): Bezwaard Geweten - Troubled Conscientiousness

Mo., 4.11.2024, 20 h

KU Leuven - De Valk Auditorium Zeger Van Hee

Tiensestraat 41 Leuven (Belgium)

De militaire dienstplicht bestaat nog in 18 Europese landen. Gewetensbezwaar tegen militaire dienstplicht is een mensenrecht. Gewetensbezwaarden worden beschermd door mensenrechtenverdragen en -mechanismen maar er zijn frequent inbreuken op hun rechten en ze worden vaak vervolgd.

Military conscription still exists in 18 European countries. Conscientious objection to military service is a human right. Conscientious objectors are protected by human rights treaties and mechanisms, but their rights are frequently violated and they are often persecuted.

Moderation – Rosemie Verschaeve and Ria Verjauw, Leuvense Vredesbeweging / Peace Movement Leuven
• Stephan Parmentier – Leuven Institute of Criminology, KU Leuven – Introduction
• Alexia Tsouni – former EBCO president – Violations of international law due to war. With personal film material, testimonies from CO’s from Israël, Russia, Ukraine,...
• Sam Biesemans – Vice president EBCO, Master International Relations ULB – Historical aspects, legal situation in Europe and in Belgium
• Zaira Zafarana – International advocacy coordinator for Connection e.v. at U.N. in Geneva. Working on U.N. Program and Conscientious Objection to Military Service Project. – U.N. Human Rights Council, UNHCR
• Trees Merckx-Van Goey – Judge Emeritus at the Constitutional Court

Organisatie / Organisers : Leuvense Vredesbeweging www.vredeleuven.org
en KU Leuven i.s.m. / in cooperation with : European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), www.ebco-beoc.org

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