CO and Asylum 

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An Overview

In this section you will find all articles with the following keywords: »Asylum«, »CO and Asylum«, and »International Resolutions«.

German Federal Ministry of Interior assures Russian deserters of protection

Military service evaders from Russia excluded from protection pledge

(19.05.2022) The conscientious objection network Connection e.V. and PRO ASYL welcome the statement of the Ministry of the Interior that Russian deserters are assured protection. At the same time, the organizations point out that protection assurances are still lacking: For military service evaders from Russia, for conscientious objectors and military service deserters from Belarus and Ukraine.

Folder to the campaign

Deserters and objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine need our support

(10.05.2022) A folder is available to the campaign. Under the title "Deserters and Objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine need our support" we briefly present our work for the deserters and conscientious objectors from these countries. In addition, we provide some background information on conscientious objection and desertion and on conscientious objection and asylum. A print template can be provided.

Resolution of German parliament raises hopes for Russian deserters that will not be fulfilled

(29.04.2022) The current restrictive recognition practice of German authorities for deserters prevents them from receiving protection here. In order for the resolution of German parliament of April 28, 2022, to take effect, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the BAMF must now immediately change their practices, PRO ASYL and Connection e.V. demand.

Counseling hotline for conscientious objectors and deserters of the Ukrainian war established

(07.04.2022) The conscientious objection network Connection e.V. has set up an counseling hotline "Get out" in Russian language to support Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian conscientious objectors and deserters.