Conscientious Objection 

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Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Connection e.V. briefs the UN human rights committee on Greece

(21.10.2024) Connection e.V. delivered an oral statement on the violations of the right to conscientious objection to military service in Greece during the formal briefing at the UN human rights committee in Geneva. It raised as well as concerns about the lack of follow up and implementation on the Petromelidis case.

Israel: Hundreds of soldiers threaten to refuse to fight in Gaza

(21.10.2024) 130 soldiers have published an open letter and are threatening to refuse to serve unless a hostage release deal is signed immediately, and in effect, a ceasefire deal that could put a stop to Israel’s assault. Many of the signatories have already declared their refusal.

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Ukraine: Recruitment offices, military detain, pressure and torture conscientious objectors

(18.10.2024) On 11 June, Recruitment Office officials tortured Adventist conscientious objector Pavlo Halagan to pressure him to accept mobilisation. "They tied me to the bed with chains and began to physically torture, punch and beat me," he complained. On 1 July, at a military camp, "one commander grabbed me by the neck", Baptist conscientious objector Kiril Berestovoi complained. "He hit me on the head, beat me around the heart." The torture lasted half an hour. Officials use psychological pressure, detention (sometimes for several months), deprivation of food, threats, and beatings.

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Şendoğan Yazıcı, Photo: Gazete Duvar

Turkey: Conscientious objector faces vicious cycle of investigations

(17.10.2024) Conscientious objector Şendoğan Yazıcı has been battling a vicious cycle of criminal investigations and lawsuits since making his declaration in 2010. The activist told Gazete Duvar that the state traps objectors in social and legal "limbo."

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