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South Korea: Petition on Mandatory Military Duty for Women

(14.05.2021) A petition filed on the National Assembly website demanding that the country’s mandatory military duty also apply to women will be reviewed by parliamentary committees after it was signed by 100-thousand people.

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NO to Military Service - YES to conscientious objection!

Action in Belgrade, Serbia

Announcement on the occasion of May 15– International Day of Conscientious Objection

On the occasion of May 15 – International Day of Conscientious Objection, Women in Black is organizing an antimilitaristic action on May 14 from 13:00-13:30 in Belgrade (Knez Mihailova Street near the restaurant Ruski car) “NO to military service – YES to conscientious objection!”

North Korean Youth Find Ways to Dodge Military Service

(11.03.2021) More and more North Korean youth are dodging mandatory military service, because ruling party membership and all its perks are no longer as automatic for those who finish lengthy stints in the armed forces, sources in the country told RFA.

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Helen Kidan

Helen Kidan, Eritrea/United Kingdom: People are fleeing indefinite military service in Eritrea

Video on YouTube channel Refuse to Kill

(15.05.2020) Helen Kidan from the Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR) describes the situation in Eritrea where people from ages of 18 to 40 are forcibly conscripted into the military and have no right to object.

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