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Israelian soldiers at the Libanese border. Foto: Yotam Ronen

Should Israel Scrap Its ’People’s Army’ Model?

(03.09.2019) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a government following the April election because his former coalition partner, Avigdor Lieberman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, insisted on legislation that would subject more ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students to the draft. Lavy is the founder of a non-profit organization called Hazit that is advocating for a professional volunteer army and the end of the military draft in a shift to a model similar to that of the United States.

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Photo: © Jürgen Tauras

Action: Stop the Slavery in Eritrea

Gallery to the action to the International Day of Conscientious Objection

(17.05.2019) Several dozen met on the occasion of the International Day of Conscientious Objection (May 15) in Bonn. They focussed on the situation in Eritrea, a country where women and men are conscripted indefinitely. The right of conscientious objection doesn’t exist in Eritrea. Some conscientious objectors have been detained for almost 25 years. The participants also submitted a petition to the European Commission Representation in Bonn. In it they called on the European Union to stop a project for road construction: “The aid subsidizes a dictatorial regime. Conscripts are meant to be used whose employment can only be described as slavery. There are no assurances on behalf of the Eritrean government to comply with human rights.” (...more)

Everything You Need to Know About Moroccos Compulsory Military Service

(10.04.2019) In February, King Mohammed VI called on the government to recruit 10,000 Moroccans into mandatory military service in 2019, to be increased to 15,000 in 2020. Thre is no right of conscientious objection.

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Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans Summons EU to Stop Supporting Use of Forced Labour in Eritrean Project

(01.04.2019) The Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans, a Netherlandsbased organization of exiled Eritreans, is taking legal action against the European Union. The EU is financing activities in Eritrea for which forced labour is used. This is a clear violation of human rights and the EU’s adherence to international legal obligations. Today, the EU received a letter in which the Foundation asked the EU to immediately stop financing these actions.