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International Statement

Solidarity with the Egyptian Conscientious Objector Mark Nabil Sanad

(09.04.2015) We, peace and human rights organizations, declare our support and solidarity with No to Compulsory Military Service Movement and with the Egyptian conscientious objector, Mark Nabil Sanad. We condemn the silence of Egypt’s authorities over conscientious objectors’ suffering. We call on the Egyptian authorities to restore his civil rights and to recognize his right to an exemption from the military service based on his conscientious beliefs.

Egypt must recognize Mark Nabil Sanad’s right to Conscientious Objection

(23.01.2015) No to Compulsory Military Service Movement declares its total support to the Conscientious Objector Mark Nabil Sanad, to be exempted from the Military Service. We demand that the Egyptian authorities end his illegal status and transfer him to a civilian service instead, as per his request.

Kibris’ta Vicdani ret Akdeniz Konferansi


(10.02.2014) Birinci Vicdani Ret Akdeniz konfreransi 1 ocak ve 3 subat 2014 tarihleri arasinda Kibris'ta gerceklesmistir. Bu konferansa Yunanistan, Kibris, Filistin, Israil, Misir ve Türkiye'den 30 un üzerinde aktivist katilmistir. Ayrica Almanya'dan, Büyük Britanya'dan ve Isvicre'den katilan misafirler de Konferansta yerlerini almislardir.

Mediterranean Conference on Conscientious Objection in Cyprus


(10.02.2014) The first ever Mediterranean Conference on Conscientious Objection took place in Cyprus from 31 January to 3 February 2014. Over 30 activists from Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, Egypt and Turkey were able to particpate. The group was complemented with other guests from Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. Rudi Friedrich reports.