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Ukraine: In the new cold war, we have no future

(29.07.2021) As Ukraine became a battlefield of the new cold war between United States and Russia, our peaceful life was torn apart by militant domestic nationalism and both competing aggressive imperialisms. We should get out from a dead corner of permanent war, economic and democratic decline, but it is not easy to pursue hopeful future.

Başlık: Türkiye’de Vicdani Ret - Askerliğe Hayır!

Kitapçığın tanımı ve içeriği

(15.05.2021) Türkiye’deki ilk vicdani retçiler vicdani retlerini 1990’ların başında açıkladılar ve savaşa, orduya ve zorunlu askerliğe karşı çıktılar. Günümüzde ise bu sayı 1000´in üzerinde. Dahası, yüz binlerce kişi saklanarak veya başka yollarla zorunlu askerlikten kaçtı. Yüzlerce kişi kovuşturmalar nedeniyle yurtdışında sığınma talebinde bulundu. Bügün hala, Türkiye, Avrupa Konseyi’ndeki vicdani ret hakkını tanımayan tek ülkedir.

Bu kitapçık, ilk vicdani retlerin alenen açıklanmasından 30 yıl sonra yayınlanmaktadır. Yurt dışından vicdani ret hareketine yönelik dayanışma çalışmalarını değerlendirmekte, anlatmakta ve bir kısmı Türkiye’de yıllardır faaliyet göstermekte olan, bir kısmı da sonu belli olmayan bir yolculukla sürgüne giden vicdani retçilere konuşma hakkı vermektedir.

Bu kitapçık, Uluslararası Vicdani Ret Günü’nde dört dilde çevrimiçi baskı halinde yayınlanmıştır.

İndirmek için bağlantılar:

Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Description and contents of the booklet

(15.05.2021) In Turkey, the first conscientious objectors publicly declared their objections in the early 1990s and stood up against war, the military and compulsory service. In the meantime, far more than 1,000 conscripts have declared their conscientious objections. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands have evaded military service, using other ways or hiding. Faced with prosecution, several hundred have sought asylum abroad. By now Turkey is the only member state in the Council of Europe that has not recognised the right to conscientious objection to military service.

This booklet is published 30 years after the first public declarations of conscientious objection. It takes stock, describes the solidarity work for the conscientious objection movement from abroad and gives a voice to conscientious objectors, some of whom were active in Turkey for years and have now gone into exile.

A publication to the International Day of Conscientious Objection in a quadrilingual online edition.


Asylum for conscientious objectors and deserters. Rallye in Münster/W. 2004

Conscientious Objection and Asylum

(15.05.2021) In the 1990s, several hundred conscripts from Turkey applied for asylum in Germany and other countries. They went public with their conscientious objection, made it clear in front of the Turkish consulate, at press conferences or on other occasions that they were not willing to serve in the Turkish military, especially in protest against the war then waged in southeast Turkey. In many cases, their applications were initially rejected by the authorities. In some cases, they actually succeeded in obtaining protection under refugee law. Quite often this outcome derived from the fact that they had to expect additional criminal prosecution because of their public conscientious objection.