Human Rights 

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Turkey: Update of Conscientious Objection Watch

Bulletin published - Activities July-October 2024

(01.11.2024) Dear fellows,

I am happy to inform you that the latest issue of the Conscientious Objection Bulletin has been released. Below you can find as well as a brief summary of the activities of the Conscientious Objection Watch in July-October 2024.

Ukraine: Recruitment offices, military detain, pressure and torture conscientious objectors

(18.10.2024) On 11 June, Recruitment Office officials tortured Adventist conscientious objector Pavlo Halagan to pressure him to accept mobilisation. "They tied me to the bed with chains and began to physically torture, punch and beat me," he complained. On 1 July, at a military camp, "one commander grabbed me by the neck", Baptist conscientious objector Kiril Berestovoi complained. "He hit me on the head, beat me around the heart." The torture lasted half an hour. Officials use psychological pressure, detention (sometimes for several months), deprivation of food, threats, and beatings.

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Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Oral statement given at the plenary of the Human Rights Council on the situaton of human rights in Ukraine

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(08.10.2024) Today at the UN in Geneva on the occasion of the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, it took place the interactive dialogue in the plenary on the situation of human rights in Ukraine. On this occasion, Connection e.V. together with War Resisters’ International prepared and delivered in the plenary a statement addressing the situation of conscientious objectors and the prosecution of human rights defender Yurii Sheliazhenko.

Greece and Turkey: Connection e.V. reports to the UN Human Rights Committee on conscientious objection

(25.09.2024) Connection e.V. has just submitted two reports to conscientious objection to military service about Greece and Turkey which will be reviewed this coming October by the group of experts of the Committee during the 142nd session.