Human Rights 

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Rally in Bonn, May 17, 2019

Eritrea: Cooperation with the wider Eritrean democracy movements recommended

Intergroup discussion on Eritrea in the Bundestag

(29.06.2020) On 25 June 2020, a public intergroup zoom discussion was held at the invitation of Rudi Friedrich (Connection e.V.) and Kathrin Vogler (MdB, Die Linke). Several experts as well as members of the German parliament parties SPD, FDP and the parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen took part in the discussion. More than 60 persons from about 10 countries were following the discussion.

Eritrea: Public intergroup discussion in the Bundestag

Video Documentation

(25.06.2020) On 25 June 2020, a public intergroup zoom discussion was held at the invitation of Rudi Friedrich (Connection e.V.) and Kathrin Vogler (MdB, Die Linke). Several experts as well as members of the German parliament parties SPD, FDP and the parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen took part in the discussion. More than 60 persons from about 10 countries were following the discussion.

(external link)   ... more

Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe urges Turkey to recognize the right of conscientious objection

(04.06.2020) The Deputies 1. recalled that these cases concern the applicants’ repetitive prosecutions and convictions for refusing to carry out compulsory military service as pacifists and conscientious objectors, as a result of which they are compelled to lead clandestine lives amounting to “civil death”, and the absence of a procedure to establish their status as conscientious objectors;

La situation des objecteurs de conscience en Turquie

(04.06.2020) Les Délégués (des Ministres) 1. rappellent que ces affaires concernent les poursuites et condamnations répétées des requérants pour refus d‘effectuer le service militaire obligatoire en tant que pacifistes et objecteurs de conscience, ce qui les contraint à mener une vie clandestine équivalant à une « mort civile », et l‘absence de procédure visant à établir leur statut d‘objecteur de conscience,