Human Rights 

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La situation des objecteurs de conscience en Turquie

(04.06.2020) Les Délégués (des Ministres) 1. rappellent que ces affaires concernent les poursuites et condamnations répétées des requérants pour refus d‘effectuer le service militaire obligatoire en tant que pacifistes et objecteurs de conscience, ce qui les contraint à mener une vie clandestine équivalant à une « mort civile », et l‘absence de procédure visant à établir leur statut d‘objecteur de conscience,

Türkiye’deki vicdani retçilerin durumuna ilişkin

(04.06.2020) The Deputies 1. recalled that these cases concern the applicants’ repetitive prosecutions and convictions for refusing to carry out compulsory military service as pacifists and conscientious objectors, as a result of which they are compelled to lead clandestine lives amounting to “civil death”, and the absence of a procedure to establish their status as conscientious objectors;

Gunter Schmidt

Gunter Schmidt, painter, Germany: I always wished, war was finally dead

Video on YouTube channel Refuse to Kill

(15.05.2020) I have never personally experienced war. I am grateful for this fact under the star of grace and luck and a high degree of liberal political culture in Germany and Europe I have never experienced war, but it lives through me, it definitely outrages me, even where I encounter it indirectly. I am Gunter Schmidt. I am also a painter. Pictures tell me something. Sometimes I take up pictures, transform them artistically and give them my language.

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BAMF decision rates to Eritrea without family asylum

Eritrea’s arbitrary regime downplayed

Refugee protection denied

(10.03.2020) In July 2018 a peace treaty between Ethiopia and Eritrea was concluded, formally ending the border war between the two countries (1998-2000). This was followed in November 2018 by the lifting of UN sanctions against Eritrea. Since then, there have been repeated voices stating that the Eritrean regime has no more excuses to continue the repressive militarization of the population. Furthermore, the peace brought the hope that the human rights situation in the country would improve. However, as can be seen from the reports of Amnesty International, the UN Human Rights Committee, the UN Special Representative on the human rights situation in Eritrea and most recently Human Rights Watch, this is not the case.