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Conscientious Objection Watch is a self organized group of conscientious objectors in Turkey

Interim Resolution on Violations of the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Newsletter of the Conscientious Objection Watch Initiative

(16.07.2024) This is Merve Arkun, the coordinator of the Conscientious Objection Watch, from Turkey. I would like to inform you about the interim decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the Ülke Group of Cases monitoring the situation of conscientious objectors in Turkey. Eighteen years after the European Court of Human Rights issued its first judgment in favor of conscientious objector Osman Murat Ülke, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe added a new one to its interim decisions on violations of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey.

Conscientious Objection Watch ist eine selbstorganisierte Gruppe von Kriegsdienstverweiger*innen in der Türkei

Interimsresolution zu Verletzungen des Rechts auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung in der Türkei

Newsletter der Initiative Conscientious Objection Watch

(16.07.2024) Hallo, hier ist Merve Arkun, die Koordinatorin von Conscientious Objection Watch, aus der Türkei. Ich möchte Sie über die Interimsentscheidung des Ministerkomitees des Europarates zur Ülke-Fallgruppe informieren, die die Situation von Kriegsdienstverweiger*innen in der Türkei beobachtet. Achtzehn Jahre nach dem ersten Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte zugunsten des Kriegsdienstverweigerers Osman Murat Ülke hat das Ministerkomitee des Europarats seinen Zwischenbeschlüssen zu Verletzungen des Rechts auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung in der Türkei einen neuen Zwischenbeschluss hinzugefügt.

Advocacy at the UN and much more

Reporting on Ukraine, Belarus, Eritrea, Turkey and on the human right to conscientious objection

(11.07.2024) In May 2024, Zaira Zafarana began her work in Connection e.V. as international advocacy coordinator. Her consultancy is aimed to advocate for human rights and in particular for the human right to conscientious objection to military service at the United Nations in Geneva, the Council of Europe, and the European Union.

Committee of Ministers of the European Council urges Turkey to recognize the right of conscientious objection

(13.06.2024) The Committee of Ministers DEEPLY REGRETTED that three of the applicants in these cases (Osman Murat Ülke, Yunus Erçep and Ersin Ölgün) are still considered draft evaders and continue to face the threat of criminal and administrative proceedings. STRONGLY URGED the authorities therefore to take without further delay all necessary measures to put an end to the violation of the applicants’ rights.