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Iraq Veterans Against the War convenes Winter Soldier Europe before NATO summit

Testimony are available online

(16.03.2009) Freiburg, Germany – About 150 people heard testimony from nine American, British, and German veterans in Freiburg, Germany, on Saturday about the military members’ experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Testimony are available online.

Winter Soldier 2009

Testifier Biographies

(10.03.2009) Testifier Biographies: Chris Arendt, Zack Baddorf, Chris Capps-Schubert, Dave Cortelyou, Eddie Falcon, Lee Kamara, Rose Kazma, Christian Neumann, André Shepherd and Martin Webster.

"Let us bring an end to these morally bankrupt endeavors"

Veterans and soldiers to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - Hearing March 14 in Freiburg

"For far too long, the American Government hase done its best to keep reality at bay, while feeding its population a romanticized view of the events on the ground", declared American soldier André Shepherd, who is absent without leave (AWOL) and applying for asylum in Germany, today. "Our aim is to educate, and hopefully bring about an end to these morally bankrupt endeavors." Chris Arendt, Zack Baddorf, Chris Capps-Schubert, Dave Cortelyou, Eddie Falcon, Lee Kamara, Christian Neumann, Shepherd, and Martin Webster, veterans and soldier of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, will report about their experiences this Saturday in Freiburg (Germany).

Iraq Veterans Against the War invites you to a hearing in Freiburg on March 14

Soldiers and veterans will share the truth about wars in Iraq, Afghanistan

(12.02.2009) Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) invites you to hear the hard truth about what is really on happening on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, day in and day out, from American, British and German veterans. The hearing will convene on March 14, 2009, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Café Velo, Wentzinger Str. 15 in Freiburg.