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Call to Belarusian Men to Refuse Recruitment to Fight for Russia in Ukraine

(02.03.2022) I am requesting you to support our campaign «No Means No», dedicated to sending Belarusian soldiers to the war in Ukraine on the side of Russia, executed by the regime of Aliaksandr Lukashenka. Today a mass mobilization of Belarusian men in the age from 18 to 58 to the Belarusian army is under way: draft notices are arriving demanding to appear on March 4-9, 2022. According to an unconfirmed report received from a Belarusian military, Aliaksandr Lukashenka is planning to urgently call up for military service about 35-40 thousand Belarusian men.

US style-invasions are morally indefensible, even when other countries do it

(02.03.2022) To the Russian troops now attempting to occupy Ukraine–tens of thousands of whom are barely-trained and unwilling conscripts: Follow your conscience. Lay down your weapons. Go home, or attempt to get refugee status.

To the peoples of Ukraine: Nonviolent civilian-based defense is likely the optimal strategy for standing up to and driving out invading forces. This Russian military was designed for destruction, not occupation. They can be defeated by people-power resistance.

To the government of Ukraine: Stop forcing all men between the ages of 18-60 to fight. Respect war resisters and conscientious objectors, even in these dark times. Allow all men to seek refuge elsewhere, not just women and children.

Conscientious objectors and deserters need our support

No to war in Ukraine!

(01.03.2022) Once again, there is war in Europe. We are appalled. In a war of aggression, Russian troops have invaded Ukraine on the orders of the Russian government under Vladimir Putin. Already  many are dead or have been wounded. There is a threat of further escalation.

We demand from the Russian government to immediately cease all hostilities and withdraw all troops from Ukraine. An escalation leading to the confrontation between Russia and NATO must be avoided at all costs. We welcome starting negotiations before the suffering becomes even greater.

Лица, отказывающиеся от военной службы по соображениям совести, и дезертиры нуждаются в нашей поддержке

Нет войне в Украине!

(01.03.2022) В Европе снова война. Мы в ужасе. Российские войска агрессивно вторглись в Украину по приказу российского правительства Владимира Путина. Уже много убитых и раненых. Существует угроза дальнейшей эскалации.

Мы призываем российское правительство немедленно прекратить все боевые действия и вывести все войска из Украины. В любом случае необходимо избежать эскалации конфронтации между Россией и НАТО. Мы выступаем за скорейшее начало переговоров, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшие страдания множества людей.