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Olga Karatch a Brema. Foto: die Schwelle.

«Il mio esilio, gridando gli orrori del regime bielorusso»

Intervista con Olga Karatch

(29.04.2024) Olga Karach è un’attivista bielorussa, politologa e direttrice dell’organizzazione per i diritti umani “Our House” (“La nostra casa”), fondato nel 2002 come giornale autofinanziato. Candidata al Nobel per la Pace, 45 anni, è attiva nella rete dei difensori dei diritti umani e civili oppressi nel suo Paese dal regime di Lukashenko. Il quotidiano italiano AVVENIRE ha intervistato Olga Karatch nell’ambito del progetto "Donne per la Pace".

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Sofia Orr. Photo: Oren Ziv

Israeli teen jailed for draft refusal

„People say I’m naive, antisemitic, a traitor"

(26.02.2024) Sofia Orr erklärt, warum sie trotz des harten Vorgehens gegen Kriegsgegner*innen in Israel nie von ihrer Entscheidung abgewichen ist.

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Israel: Today is my enlistment day to the military

I am going to refuse enlistment

(15.08.2022) When I was 10 years old, during the Gaza war in 2014, I was home alone when I heard the missile alarm. It wasn’t the first time I experienced it in my life but it was the first time I was alone. I live in an old house that doesn’t have a shelter so I sat in the hallway and waited for the alarm to stop. It was the scariest moment of my life. Fortunately for me, I live in central Israel, and wasn’t in real danger, but as a child all I felt was great fear.

South Korea: Petition on Mandatory Military Duty for Women

(14.05.2021) A petition filed on the National Assembly website demanding that the country’s mandatory military duty also apply to women will be reviewed by parliamentary committees after it was signed by 100-thousand people.

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