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"The peoples of the world who have borne the brunt of the unlawful attacks must have the chance at peace"

Easter Letter to all my Friends and Supporters

(03.04.2012) It has been almost a year since the German Federal Immigration Office denied my asylum. During this time the American Government continues to force soldiers such as myself to continue invading other lands under the guise of Democracy. It pains me to see that this once great country has decided to use its great power to subjugate the peoples of the world, rather than uplifting them to new heights. Even though the Iraq war has seemingly ended, there is still no end in sight for this ill-fated “War on Terror.”

Turkey: Possible Reduction of Sentence for Inan Süver

(28.10.2011) After conscientious objector İnan Süver was examined at the Gülhane Military Medical Academy (GATA), the related report determined to reduce Süver’s sentence due to his mental illness at the time. It was also suggested that Süver shall serve his remaining sentence in hospital. The conscientious objector was convicted of "absence without leave" in 2007.

U.S. AWOL soldier Shepherd appeals against the rejection of his application for political asylum

Severe criticism of the decision of the Federal Bureau from peace and refugee-aid organizations

(07.04.2011) The U.S. AWOL soldier André Shepherd today instructed his attorney to institute legal proceedings against the negative ruling on his application for asylum by the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge [Federal Bureau of Migration and Refugees] that was served two days ago. At a press conference held by Connection e.V., PRO ASYL, and the Military Counseling Network in Frankfurt am Main, he commented at length.

Canada: Church of Misfits Harbors American War Resister

(21.09.2010) First United Church in East Vancouver describes itself as "a community at the margins." The surrounding neighborhood on East Hastings hosts perhaps the largest outdoor assemblage of addicts, pushers, prostitutes, and mentally-disturbed persons in North America. The church itself houses as many as three hundred homeless people a night.

First United also is the place of sanctuary for an American war resister, 32-year old Rodney Watson. Since he can be arrested by Canadian and US authorities if he ventures outside, for one year Watson has taken asylum from war in an asylum of homeless misfits.