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Advocacy at the UN and much more, July till October 2024

Reporting on Bolivia, Greece, Turkey, Kyrgysztan and other countries

(06.11.2024) Zaira Zafarana, international advocacy coordinator of Connection e.V. raised the issue of conscientious objection to military service in different countries during the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. She took the floor in the plenary of the Council on several occasions. Furthermore, she submitted country-based reports to UN mechanisms for upcoming reviews and reporting to the council.

Report concerning the situation of the right to conscientious objection in Bolivia

UN Univeral Periodic Review

(18.07.2024) Connection e.V. has prepared and submitted to the UN a country based report in preparation of the upcoming 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review of the State of Bolivia. The formal session will take place at the UN in Geneva in November 2024.

Mujeres al rehúso de la militarización en América del sur

No más cuerpos para la guerra

(05.09.2020) Los países del cono sur han estado históricamente mediados por la perpetuación de acciones estatales represivas como la tortura, la persecución, la desaparición, entre otras; con el fin de preservar el control de la sociedad por medio de la vigilancia y de la intromisión de los estamentos militares a la sociedad, tal como lo evidenció en su momento el Plan Cóndor a mediados de los 70 - 80. Ante esto, la población civil ha dado cuenta de procesos de resistencia, en los que la mujer, desde su voz y su accionar, ha sido parte fundamental en ejercicios de denuncia, de reparación, de no repetición y de construcción de una memoria histórica que narre el conflicto desde sus vivencias.

Women refusing militarization in South America

No more bodies for war

(05.09.2020) Countries from South America have been historically arbitrated by perpetuation of repressive actions from Government as torture, chasing, disappearance, among others; with the objective of keeping control on society, through surveillance and meddling from military statements at the society, as we watched at its moment with ‘Operation Condor’ in midst 70s and 80s. As a result, the civilian population has become aware of resistance processes, where women, from their voice and actions, have been a fundamental part in activities.