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A Right to Refuse to Kill in Myanmar?

(20.03.2024) In February 2024, the military regime ruling Myanmar announced that it was mobilizing a “People’s Military Service Law”. The law allows for the conscription of male citizens aged 18 to 35 and female citizens aged 18 to 27. The announcement has caused fear and loathing among the country’s 14 million young people and their families. Just three days later, the military regime established the Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants to oversee conscription, of at least 60,000 young people per year (See this ISP report for a further analysis of the new conscription law). The conscription process will reportedly be launched after the Burmese New Year in mid-April, but there are some reports that roundups of young men have already begun.

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Country report: Belarus

Military Service and the Militarization of Society

(08.10.2023) In Belarus, military service is compulsory for all citizens assigned male at birth between the ages of 18 and 27. The right to conscientious objection has existed since 1994, but it does not apply to those who have already completed their military service, nor to reservists or soldiers.

Action in Frankfurt, Germany

Country report: Russia

Military Service and Conscientious Objection

(08.10.2023) Military service is compulsory for citizens assigned male at birth in Russia. Since the war in Ukraine, the relevant military laws have been amended several times. In the Russian Federation, the right to conscientious objection exists, so any person can theoretically apply for conscientious objection. However, an application for conscientious objection is only possible until conscription; there is no right to conscientious objection for reservists and former soldiers. An amendment to the military law has made it possible to use alternative service conscripts in the military, too.

Country report: Ukraine

Military Service and Conscientious Objection

(08.10.2023) On March 3, 2022, according to the Parliamentary Press Service, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted the Presidential Decree "On General Mobilization", initiating the general mobilization of Ukraine. During mobilization, military service is compulsory for all citizens assigned male at birth between the ages of 18 and 27, indefinitely. Previously, the duration of military service was limited to 18 months in general and 12 months for students.