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Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN).

Resisting war and apartheid from within the Green Line to the West Bank & Gaza

Newsletter of the Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN)

Uploaded 24.06.2024

(14.07.2024) Hey, "A queer Palestinian asylum seeker from the West Bank is out on the streets, can anyone help?" This was the text I received early on an October morning, two weeks into Israel’s assault on Gaza. My name is Tal, the new international solidarity coordinator at Refuser Solidarity Network. I would like to share how I found my way to RSN and how you can support us by following our page Voices Against War on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with Israelis resisting war and apartheid. Share it with your community to help us to amplify their voices.

Photo: Zaira Zafarana

Oral statement given at Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea

UN Human Rights Council, 56th Session

Uploaded 21.06.2024

(20.06.2024) On the occasion of the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council currently running in Geneva, Connection e.V. collaborated with War Resisters International drafting a statement on the current situation of human rights in Eritrea.

Committee of Ministers of the European Council urges Turkey to recognize the right of conscientious objection

Uploaded 21.06.2024

(13.06.2024) The Committee of Ministers DEEPLY REGRETTED that three of the applicants in these cases (Osman Murat Ülke, Yunus Erçep and Ersin Ölgün) are still considered draft evaders and continue to face the threat of criminal and administrative proceedings. STRONGLY URGED the authorities therefore to take without further delay all necessary measures to put an end to the violation of the applicants’ rights.

May 31, 2024 in Bremen. Photo: Chul Gyun Yoo

Bremen International Peace Prize for Connection e.V.

Please donate to support conscientious objectors, deserters and war resisters

Uploaded 20.06.2024

(19.06.2024) A few days ago, Connection e.V. was awarded the Bremen International Peace Prize, a prize awarded by the foundation die schwelle in the Bremen Town Hall in Germany. We feel honored to receive this Peace Prize and understand it as an award for our international work supporting conscientious objectors to military service and deserters. We dedicate this prize to everyone who objects to war. Help us to continue this important work. Donate to the #ObjectWarCampaign. You can easily make an online donation. Thanks a lot.