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Review to conscientious objection on Turkey and Kyrgyzstan at United Nations

(01.11.2024) Connection e.V. has prepared and submitted to the UN two reports concerning the situation of the right to conscientious objection to military service in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan, in preparation of the Universal Periodic Review of these countries which will take place in April 2025.

Turkey: Update of Conscientious Objection Watch

Bulletin published - Activities July-October 2024

(01.11.2024) Dear fellows,

I am happy to inform you that the latest issue of the Conscientious Objection Bulletin has been released. Below you can find as well as a brief summary of the activities of the Conscientious Objection Watch in July-October 2024.

Şendoğan Yazıcı, Photo: Gazete Duvar

Turkey: Conscientious objector faces vicious cycle of investigations

(17.10.2024) Conscientious objector Şendoğan Yazıcı has been battling a vicious cycle of criminal investigations and lawsuits since making his declaration in 2010. The activist told Gazete Duvar that the state traps objectors in social and legal "limbo."

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Şendoğan Yazıcı, Foto: Gazete Duvar

Türkei: Kriegsdienstverweigerer sieht sich Teufelskreis der Strafverfolgung ausgesetzt

(17.10.2024) Der Kriegsdienstverweigerer Şendoğan Yazıcı kämpft seit seiner öffentlichen Erklärung im Jahr 2010 mit einem Teufelskreis aus strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen und Strafverfahren. Der Aktivist sagte der Gazete Duvar, dass der Staat Verweigerer in einer sozialen und rechtlichen Ungewissheit gefangen hält.