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Şendoğan Yazıcı, Foto: Gazete Duvar

Türkei: Kriegsdienstverweigerer sieht sich Teufelskreis der Strafverfolgung ausgesetzt

(17.10.2024) Der Kriegsdienstverweigerer Şendoğan Yazıcı kämpft seit seiner öffentlichen Erklärung im Jahr 2010 mit einem Teufelskreis aus strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen und Strafverfahren. Der Aktivist sagte der Gazete Duvar, dass der Staat Verweigerer in einer sozialen und rechtlichen Ungewissheit gefangen hält.

Greece and Turkey: Connection e.V. reports to the UN Human Rights Committee on conscientious objection

(25.09.2024) Connection e.V. has just submitted two reports to conscientious objection to military service about Greece and Turkey which will be reviewed this coming October by the group of experts of the Committee during the 142nd session.

Oral statement on the human rights of conscientious objectors and to conscientious objection and asylum

UN Human Rights Council, 57th Session

(20.09.2024) This morning, Zaira Zafarana, Connection’s international advocacy coordinator, delivered an oral statement on behalf of WRI and Connection e.V. in the plenary of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva during the General Debate on Item 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. She focused on the human right of conscientious objection to military service and specifically on the OHCHR thematic report presented to the Council during the last session and on the UNHCR Guidelines on International protection which clarify that conscientious objectors who are at risk of persecutions in their country of origin qualify for refugee status.

Conscientious Objection Watch is a self organized group of conscientious objectors in Turkey

April - June 2024: Activities and Developments on the Right to Conscientious Objection in Turkey

Newsletter of the Conscientious Objection Watch Initiative

(25.07.2024) This is Merve Arkun, Conscientious Objection Watch Coordinator. I am writing to inform you about the latest issue of the Conscientious Objection Bulletin, which we publish periodically. In the latest issue, you can find the experiences of conscientious objectors in Turkey between April-June 2024. In the period April-June 2024, conscientious objectors in Turkey were subjected to many rights violations and restrictions, from violations of the right to work to restrictions on freedom of movement. Below you can find a brief summary of Conscientious Objection Watch’s activities in April-June.